Studio Family Petite Sessions

30 minutes, 20+ images, $350
Location: Studio North, Milwaukee
Date: Jan. 28th

Think warm sweaters, jeans, and very relaxed.

30 minutes, 20+ images, $350
Location: Studio Collective MKE
Date: Feb. 11th, 2024

Think jeans, neutral colored tops with textures, very relaxed, and come prepared to have a little fun!

Upcoming Petite Sessions



Studio Couples Petite Sessions

Women Beauty Petite Sessions

30 minutes, 20+ images, $350
Location: Studio Collective MKE
Date: March. 9th, 2024
Time: TBD

Think neutral colored tops/bottoms with textures to create a very light and soft vibe. This will be a very relaxed session showing all the areas of motherhood - playing with your child, feeding, sleeping, little quiet moments together. These will be unposed with a little direction and will also be dependent on the age of your child and their specific needs. The idea is to capture moments between you and your child at this stage in life. What does that look like for you?
